Sid Kanazawa is a mediator, arbitrator, trial lawyer, and bridge builder bringing people
together even when it seems impossible. For over 40 years, he represented plaintiffs and
defendants, locally, nationally, and internationally, in jury and non-jury trials, arbitrations,
administrative proceedings, crises, mediations, and negotiations.
Sid builds bridges to take parties from anger and distrust to curiosity and hope. In the largest
oil spill in the Port of Los Angeles, Sid quelled an angry mob and settled 600 claims within
two weeks of the spill and all 2,000+ within three months. For plaintiffs and defendants, he
has resolved multi-million matters over lunch and wrote about it in a 2004 article entitled,
"Apologies and Lunch" which has been republished multiple times. Recently, at the Edelman
Children's Court, he has engaged parents negotiating their parenting time and has converted
their long-standing hate, anger, and distrust into solid agreements in nearly 100% of the
mediations he has handled.
If you or your business is facing a legal challenge that calls for sound advice and skilled representation, contact us today to arrange a free consultation.
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